
hope for the best. expect the worst.

'the Fibonacci sequence can be seen in nature, where the sunflower, for instance, has 21 spirals on its head in the direction and 34 going in the other - consecutive Fibonacci numbers. the outside of a pinecone has spirals that run clockwise and counterclockwise, and the ratio of the number of spirals is sequential Fibonacci values. in the elegant curves of a nautilus shell, each complete new revolution will be a ratio of 1:1.1618, when compared to the distance from the centre of the previous spiral.'
- p53, Cracking the Da Vinci Code - Simon Cox

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- got damn i'm in such a good place, feel like my brain been wearing pajamas to work
- sometimes you gotta remember you're valuable, and can do what you want
- consumers full of shit. media full of shit. music industry full of shit
- undersell, overdeliver

via @famlikefamily

- slow money better than no money. constantly being in survival mode sucks, but the ones that make it out have the most creativity because they have to.
feeling like shit can't get any worse really is empowering or me, it makes me live my life the way i want to with what i have. no internal consequences.
- my dancing once saved a life
- i still think kanye can do better. - kanye probably thinks so too. but he'sa dad now and he has a lot of shit to lose, he gotta eat.

via askf.am

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evolution rather than a revolution

'beautiful words in English':
- assemblage - a gathering
- dalliance - a brief love affair
- demure - shy, reserved
- eloquence - beauty & persuasion in speech
- ephemeral - short-lived
- epiphany - a sudden revelation
- erstwhile - at one time, for a time
- ethereal - gaseous, invisible but detectable
- evocative - suggestive
- gossamer - the finest piece of thread, a spider's silk
- nemesis - an unconquerable archenemy
- onomatopoeia - a word that sounds like its meaning
- opulent - lush, luxuriant
- panacea - a solution for al problems
- pastiche - an artwork combining materials from various sources
- plethora - a large quantity
- quintessential - most essential
- serendipity - finding something nice while looking for something else
- talisman - a good luck charm

xx x x x xx

'over the course of the last year, i've been whittling down my everyday rotation to fewer clothing items that i really, really like. put glamourously, one might call me a uniform dresser, like Grace Coddington. once could also refer to it as 'literally wearing the same shirt every day'. there are a few reasons for this.
1. i am a writer and live in New York, ergo most of my salary goes toward rent. better to stock your wardrobe with very similar items and let your co-workers figure out for themselves how large your closet really is.
2. i am a creature of habit.
3. once you graduate from college, you cannot slouch around in leggings and a tank top on a weekday because you are too hungover to function. if you are suffering the 7 a.m. mind-fry of last night's cheap white wine, it helps to have a limited (read: no-brainer, because actually where has your brain gone) supply of clothing on hand. preferably one sensible enough to delude people into thinking you are a real life adult.
4. i have, at least for the time being, figured out what works on my body and what i like.
if i'm going to have a limited wardrobe and grow deeply attached to every single thing in it, i need to clean up my act & learn how to take care of my stuff. i'm years away from flossing on a daily basis or actually buying more soap when the bottle gets low rather than just adding some water to it, but by god, i will grow the hell up for the sake of my prized retirement home slippers.
let's be clear: mastering wardrobe maintenance is an ongoing process, because as it turns out, it's kind of a lot of work. i have started taking my shoes to the shoe repair when they get gnarly in an effort to slow their eventual deterioration. i brought a skirt to the tailor to get an undone hem fixed. i even internalised my roommate's advice about separating clothing by colour before washing it and honouring each individual item's tag instructions, which is huge because i hate admitting she's right.

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'i've always thought of the t-shirt as the Alpha and Omega of the fashion alphabet' - Giorgio Armani