

ahhh today. i found. that. paul dempsz' scarf in his music vid is. the. same. as. maiiinne..my new red flannie one, that i didn't really like..but now have found a great love for.



'soul mates', some would say.

mm and i'm predicting a really simple album in july, a lot like bernard fanning's Tea & Sympathy a few (?) years ago.. like just really basic hum-worthy acoustic songs, with only him and his guitar.

weewww, the simple things.
life is GOOD.


6 foot 7 inch jewish cat named kurtzneil will freestyle rap for cash.

i found a whole heap of zines and free fashion/ep-launch magazines/flyers that i'd picked up in brisbane this time last year, and found one that i'd never really read. the male model in it was named Felix which was cute enough to begin with, but i also found a v great description for a clothing label:
'they're [the two male designers] still doing skateboards too, but they wanted to get into the fashion industry to hang out with the hottest girls. they think fly-fishing is a great hobby.
Wear it if You: also think Heath Ledger is absolutely murderising as the Joker.
Dress to Impress: your asian girlfriend's big brother and parents.'
hahaha absolute hole in one, am i right ? made me giggle a little.

i over-heard my art teacher talking to a girl in the back of the class in a lesson a few weeks back and just remembered this morning what she'd said. i wrote it down so i won't forget, her words really made me think.
she was talking about balance, and that if you don't like an artwork that you've done, it could be bc of the lack of balance. she said not to change everything in it, just take away one thing and add one thing.
it's also a mini-philosophy that she lives her life by.
when you're not happy with your life, she said that you should take away one thing that's not working and replace it with one good thing, to achieve balance in your life. i really love that.

for a secret reason, a few days ago, my moods were a little exaggerated. i'd get super excited or find things extra hilarious..yesterday i discovered the reason for me being a little bit whoops lately, but that's irrelevant. what i found out is that while being in the whoops mood/s i had said some things that i probably would not have let slip to certain people in my life otherwise..they weren't bad things at all; just personal feelings that i normally wouldn't have disclosed so openly, i guess.
i'm really glad that i did, though, and it made me realise that i shouldn't over-think things so much.
so, to go with my teacher's philosophy; the one thing that i'm going to try and eliminate from my life is the way i often hold back in saying what i'm really thinking. no matter what the consequences are of what i say, i'll at least know that the person in question will know what i'm really feeling.. surely this is the best option, even if it upsets them at first ? i hope so.
the one thing that i'm going to add to my life is spontaneity and more exercise.
- behold; the re-vamped rachel :)
also, i was talking to my sister last night on the phone and we were talking about what i might do next year; whether it will be uni or not. i think i'd really like to study speech pathology now, and not just bc of the biased fact that that's what she's studied for the past four or so years and has 110% talked it up..
i just really love that cool language stuff is combined with amazingly interesting anatomy-esque/human body goings-on and sciences, all in one job !
but more than anything, i can't wait to learn learn learn next year.. i really don't want to have a year off..i just want to fill my brain, haha. can't wait.
i honestly can't even begin to imagine how people can just settle for a corner-store job when they're 30-50 ish and not want to read the paper/s or care about what's going on in the world around them. i so hugely love learning new things, just finding out great new topics and people that this massive world has to offer is so amazing and intriguing to me.
i love the idea that middle-aged people go back to uni. i mean, they have their job and have studied for years, but still want to go back and learn more - to just read and learn and expand their knowledge.
there's a crazy boy in one of my classes, and he has whopper discussions with the teacher about the 4th dimension in chemistry or these immense scientific theories and books they've read, that i've never thought of or heard of in my life. he used to be in my english class and there too he'd always have a comment to add about something unknown and general knowledg-y about shakespeare or a literature that he's recently read.. some people get annoyed by his comments, but he intrigues the absolute shit out of me. i always listen to what he says and think 'wow' there's so much i don't know or haven't even considered ever before.
..and he has this huge hair - it's like the real life/male version of gretchen weiner - except his hair is full of crazy knowledge/intelligence instead of secrets. haha.
isn't this sweet, i'm still trying to work out 100% what it means:
'Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe.'

the end.


what in the what.

i wish upon wish that i had been the first to say,
'hello shredder. meet my fist. now let me punch you so i can fix my dishevelled bangs', or something similar/to that effect.

i'm so tired of being torn between elling (that's blogger talk for myspace talk for msn '(L)ing' talk) and really hating blogger.
i mean, it's not like decisiveness has ever been my strong point !
for eg., i remember crying at subway once bc i was too stressed at the amount of choices and couldn't make my mind up.. i was only seven/eight so it's aaalmost forgiveable. (plus i gained a free cookie out of the whole experience..)
nor did it teach me to not yell at spontaneous intervals: hello line above,
hello saturday night.

just to add the length of this blog, i'd really like to add how much i've been re-listening to george lately. looking on their site, they haven't toured since 2003 or so, and i really like that ! i've got no problem listening to old records over and over, they're still so gorgeous. i was googling katie noonan and george and remembered that the old residents of the house across the road had attended a wedding where george had also been, a few years back..how amazing.
and that also, the name 'george' came from one of their first large nights on stage and they'd had no band name to that date, so just spluttered umm GEORGE! and from that, the name was born (:
on a blog or forum i came across the name of a song that Sia and Katie Noonan have been said to have sung together, called 'Sweet One'.
unforch i couldn't find it anyway on the internet - but didn't look too hard. it wasn't even on youtube, though i did find a recording of Katie and Lior singing I'll Forget You at the last Woodford folk festival. wow huh !
i also found a copy of Katie singing a Beatles song and also one of my sister's and my own favourite Radiohead songs..i still liked the originals a lot better than her own, but they were such interesting takes on the songs; her style is completely different..it really intrigued me.
speaking of lior..or not really at all..i've been adoring Sia and Lior's (original version of) I'll Forget You. her harmonies are perfect and just loud enough to be heard without overpowering his own. i think i like the song mostly, though, bc i can relate a prettie sizeable amount to it. hmm, enough said.

'Like a bowerbird collecting blue, see me gather words to let you know; it's hard to let this go. You still make me cry, like a song of the east that loses its centre but always finds its way back home. Oh, how this bird has flown. It's time to forget the road we never traveled along.'

wow this has become so long.. so much for the pact that i tried to make months ago about keeping these short and sharp.
i didn't want to break up any of it or to remove bits, i really wanted to blog about all of this ! what a shame.
let me know if you read all the way to the bottom haha ?


just like last night, let's put it on repeat.

hmm so i posted this a few nights ago, got a response and took it down bc i'm soft.
i don't want to aim it anyone this time, or any time, so i'm just throwing the comment/observation out there. some sections have been a little altered/removed ('_____', haha..real subtle ? :s) to be a little nicer..?
maybe its still ~ absz same as before, i don't know.

"today a friend 'helpfully' - and i use that word sparingly - shoved me headfirst into a blog that ___________. i dunno, maybe its just a cruel coincidence..but i'm not too sure. i cant take this as a compliment, i just find it rude.
its blogger..why am i upset ? just today i was saying to a gf that ive got to stop getting worked up over social networking sites. if anything, its a little embarrassing ! but help my dignity, please..its not yet back in tact after tonight's findings.

why do people do this ? it happens so often in art class to friends of mine and sometimes even myself .. people so blatantly copy. why cant they take inspiration if they really feel the need..and add some of their self to the creation and wham bam its all their own; no visual plagiarism in the slightest. but nooope, that would require effort, right. and who needs/uses that nowadays ? lets all become mentally obese as we prey upon those who try and spin their own thoughts into a yarn of creativity and individual thought. lets all jump on the intellectually yawn-worthy bandwagon and flamboyantly display our identically duplicated wares to all with no shame or lack of self-satisfaction. shit shat shet shot shut right down.

trust me to use big words when i'm emotional. or drunk, for that matter. not that i am now..but it needed to be said by someone at some point..i mean, you know it. i know it. we all know it. you were totally thinking it. aye. aayeee."


one last thing before i shuffle off the planet.


write about what moves you, write about what makes you cry, if you can, think of something funny, write down words you like, write down conversations you have had or heard somewhere, paint a character with words, write a letter you send, write a letter you would never send, play the 'what if' game, make a list of things, count your blessings, start a novel, copy down poetic lines you have heard, write a movie review, revisit a favourite place, write down questions you have about anything,
eat a peach, taste the wind, draw and explain an invention, paste in an article that made you think, put in pressed flowers someone gave you, draw a cartoon and explain it, write a problem, write a poem, write a lead to an editorial, write down a dream you had and don't want to forget, write down who your real friends are, try an exercise from english class, write down great lines from a book you're reading, tape in an object, copy a poem, write about what you think people think of you, plan something, be a smart aleck, hear voices of people you have never met but are sure you know, write about an issue important to you, write a song, write about angels..
find out who you really are.


today it's been all about Come Home by OneRepublic, Complex Geometries, androgyny and unisex clothing, being brave, and past and re-issues.

zoning in, zoning out

i need to hop off these sites for a little while,
it's causing too much mayhem in my little world and making a stir of things that mean so little. little little little.
i try not to be horrible & i know for a fact that the person in q is definitely not horrible. misunderstandings are unforch the horrible person, in this case.
i hope today, day two, is the end of it all ja ? i feel like i'm in primary school again, being called up to the teacher's desk to explain the behaviour card predicament that shouldn't have existed in the first place, or at least wouldn't have if i had zipped my lips. sozozozoz.

but i am off to go and change some aspects of this site, so we can all remain anon.


uh fyoo reelaizayeshunz 4 j00, hahaha.

hi guy, try thai high pie. Aiii. Bye !

2. oh now i've completely forgotten the second thing. this post is now so pointless..
i'll put it in here soon as i remember..hopefully will be soon.. but how annoying is it when that happens ! when something's on the tip of your..well not your tongue..on the tip of your brain [?], you're positive that it was this really amazingly important thing and you talk it up for ages..then you remember it, and it's usually so pointless. like something involving cereal or the colour of geeese in ballarat or something hahaha. mm my mind's working overtime now, what waaaasss #2 ??

um i still can't remember the 2nd thing that i had realised this morning, but i've found a third:
3. i was just on myspace and usually don't let things on there bother me; i don't want to be the sort of person who is so fragile that a denied friend request makes them upset haha..
but i was looking in a friend's photo album and all these social photos have just been uploaded. everyone looks amazingly fab and so glowing and smiling in every single shot and i'm so upset that i'm in none of them. i've missed so much already and its only may. i thought that spending every spare second on school work would pay off 'in the long run' but i don't even know if it's worth it anymore. i'm so sad that ive been putting all this time into grades that more often than not don't even reflect the hours ive put in on my reports/potential OP..creating no memories whatsoever to look back on of my last year at school, while i could be out spending time with the ones i love and giving my brain a break.


texture, smexture.

i think immensely chunkie knit is so lovely and feminine. i'd love to have more, or any, but can you imagine trying to pack something like that in a suitcase ? sorry trip to melbz in june/july holidays, maybe next time.

check the texture. deelightful.

i really loved the vogue spread last year [?] w/ this image on the LHS, it was so fun and made me want to go out straight after and make jewellery out of coke-bottle lids. and thats saying something.

how great is this image.
i wish i could take photos like that.

wow i wish there was a steady middle option b/w medium and large uploading size for images on Photobucket,
neither look good.
which program/site do YOU use to upload images normal sizes ? please enlighten.

nothing much else to report, excite my life.

peace, 'rachtard'.
thanks pete.