
horoscopes / not only am i manly and rugged, but i also have mad browsing skills - don't laugh, most women would be ripping their clothes off in the presence of this kind of web savvy / as much as nature would applaud you

i have been thinking about this semi-topic for around half a year now. my conclusion hasn't really differed, nor have i thought about it in extensive depth, but the realisation has returned to me on a number of occasions.
i feel as if the existence of horoscopes / tarot card reading / fortune telling even..is not necessarily a negative thing, or something to be justifiably skeptical about. ..what would be the gain ?
while i don't think that i have the ability to truly believe in them at all myself, i place no judgement / cast no squinted eye in the direction of those who do follow the stars & the subsequent pre-positioning of ~fate.

i think that horoscopes - or at least the concept of their purpose - can be quite interesting. when people find out that something is going to happen to them, or that a certain opportunity may come their way, there is a fairly strong chance that they will tend to subconsciously (or perhaps wildly, consciously and potentially unapologetically) work toward making this certain event / person's presence a reality in their life - therefore the believer has been pushed toward a fate or emotion that they would regularly have ignored or feared.

& so the foretelling of one's future is often - especially the more pseudo versions - quite a positive thing. the local newspaper publishes the tellings of the stars on a highly regular basis - and even if these words are being pulled from thin air, they are nearly always optimistic. they push the reader to be a better / more optimistic / opportunistic person than they may have been before reading ..& where is the harm in that ?

why mock, insult or even ignore, what could be simply a list of optimistic affirmations ?

1 comment:

  1. That was such a beautiful comment you left on my blog thanks :)
    yes, i did get the idea for the cape from Gail and since it was sold out everywhere i decided i had to have it anyway so i made one instead. hope yours turns out fabulous!


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