Crying Really Impresses My Parents - CRIMP / fashion isn’t synonymous with style any more / she paints again – i’m glad she left you / you're painfully cool / the arch in your eyebrows / i would have been Judas / accessibility lacks interest / the standard pose, the standard prose / said by someone who feels old and compromised / i hate people who remind me of myself / savage body / a museum gala where high cheekbones and higher hemlines rule / bad grammar makes me [sic] / good shit just gravitates to you like you have your own personal orbit and also you are a flaming ball of bitchface / i believe in Please and Thankyou / i believe in good fonts / just like any woman, we weave our stories out of our bodies / you have your own life, now

'wow, sounds like everybody has a massive case of Tall Poppy Syndrome. you used to like these guys when they were Indie, right? its just when the Pop Kids on Nova started liking them that you all got a bit uncomfortable with the idea.' / 'c'mon guys, stop dissing Kings of Leon. its not like Achey Brakey Heart came in at #90!'
– Triple J Hottest 100 of All Time
'Anglo-Saxons consider themselves ‘normal’ and are thus without an ethnicity..for some reason, Balkan Muslims aren’t exotic enough either.'
- Stuff White People Like (Melbourne version)
'i was burgled. they stole my valuable possessions but also my sense of security and trust in others. i was also, for the first time in my life, poor. then i won five grand. so that's nice.'
'its not every day you get to turn down the highest judge in the land for a job interview.
(a) - i probably wouldn't have got the gig. they interview geniuses, Oxford grads, PhD students, professional researches, real live scholars - deep thinkers with work ethics that'd put mine (Jewish as it is) to shame. the applicants would all be of the highest callibre. i'm good. but i'm no savant.
(b) - i've decided on my course for next two years and it doesn't involve Canberra.
(c) - i think one year of being a researcher will suffice. i don't think i need another. research is lonely.'
'but it's been so long that i forgot how to fix it.
i read a psychological study years ago that stated a high correlation between cityfolks with exposed brick in their apartments and overall feelings of contentedness. but correlation aint causation. so let me tell you a little something about my winter - it's cold, it's good, it's a little nervous. someone said the theme of this year should be decadence and i agree. i like winter best, i'm a winter creature, i like wearing more clothes and i hate sweat. i like seeing my breath. wearing big coats makes me feel tough and Eastern European, i like to think of everything in cyrillic and all us humans just crazy enough to brave it these few months. i like how awake the cold makes me feel. i like how the city smells clean this once each year. i like the dry sidewalks like we're in the tundra, in a cold desert where everything just rattles and everything is hard surfaces. cities are meant for the winter and so am i.'
'wow, sounds like everybody has a massive case of Tall Poppy Syndrome. you used to like these guys when they were Indie, right? its just when the Pop Kids on Nova started liking them that you all got a bit uncomfortable with the idea.' / 'c'mon guys, stop dissing Kings of Leon. its not like Achey Brakey Heart came in at #90!'
– Triple J Hottest 100 of All Time
'Anglo-Saxons consider themselves ‘normal’ and are thus without an ethnicity..for some reason, Balkan Muslims aren’t exotic enough either.'
- Stuff White People Like (Melbourne version)
'i was burgled. they stole my valuable possessions but also my sense of security and trust in others. i was also, for the first time in my life, poor. then i won five grand. so that's nice.'
'its not every day you get to turn down the highest judge in the land for a job interview.
(a) - i probably wouldn't have got the gig. they interview geniuses, Oxford grads, PhD students, professional researches, real live scholars - deep thinkers with work ethics that'd put mine (Jewish as it is) to shame. the applicants would all be of the highest callibre. i'm good. but i'm no savant.
(b) - i've decided on my course for next two years and it doesn't involve Canberra.
(c) - i think one year of being a researcher will suffice. i don't think i need another. research is lonely.'
'but it's been so long that i forgot how to fix it.
i read a psychological study years ago that stated a high correlation between cityfolks with exposed brick in their apartments and overall feelings of contentedness. but correlation aint causation. so let me tell you a little something about my winter - it's cold, it's good, it's a little nervous. someone said the theme of this year should be decadence and i agree. i like winter best, i'm a winter creature, i like wearing more clothes and i hate sweat. i like seeing my breath. wearing big coats makes me feel tough and Eastern European, i like to think of everything in cyrillic and all us humans just crazy enough to brave it these few months. i like how awake the cold makes me feel. i like how the city smells clean this once each year. i like the dry sidewalks like we're in the tundra, in a cold desert where everything just rattles and everything is hard surfaces. cities are meant for the winter and so am i.'
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