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some of the feedback via comments:
'i frequently wonder about the money spent. i wonder if every fashion lover gave away just half of the money they spend on clothes how much social change would come about. or i wonder about the chemicals that go into make up and if its worth it. again, i try to push this aside because i have so much fun with it but it's been a nagging thought of mine that i can't seem to figure out.'
- The Visual Jerbil
'honestly i think fashion has become really important in shaping my personality. i sort of had a style intervention and i am kind of glad. it also makes me wonder what my brain did that automatically did a somersalt.'
- Roma
'on your Tumblr, you posted a quote by Rei Kawakubo that said something to the effect of, 'clothes don't have to make you look better. clothes do not need to represent conventional beauty.'
i was just thinking, that applies to makeup as well. we don't need to use makeup to make ourselves look more conventionally pretty, or even 'better.' we are free to wear makeup any way we want, which includes making ourselves look like twisted old hags or monsters, if that's the mood/story we want to convey. makeup, like fashion, can be restrictive and it can be liberating. it all depends on what you choose to take from it, and how you choose to apply all the influences about it from the outside world to your own life.'
- Hitchhiked
'am i self-conscious and insecure? sure. do i look at skinny, gorgeous models and occasionally want to puke? all the time. i have pretty big hips and fat under my chin, and saddlebags. but for me, putting on make-up or fun, crazy clothes still feels like it did when i was nine and playing dress up and laughing with my mom about putting our red lips on. it's fun. it's never about making myself feel better or not feeling good enough without it. it's never about feeling like i NEED to look a certain way. those thoughts will drive you crazy.
i think it's perfectly fine to be a feminist and like how you look in lipstick better than how you look without it. so what if it makes you feel good? so what if it's shallow or vain? people have been smearing stuff on their faces for centuries for aesthetic reasons. as long as you don't take it too seriously or let it define you, i don't see the big deal. '
- Lydia
'i think Feminism can be both girl-y, and tom-boy. i read one poster that really hits the nail on the head which stated 'Feminism: girls getting raped is uncool on all standards. whether you're wearing slutty clothes, or completely covered. no means no. rape is uncool no matter who it is; we love our sluts.'
which, on a deeper lever, i think really sums it up. '
- Alice
'when i think of the relationships and attachments we make to our image and its manipulation i can only really describe it as intensely human, which i don’t think helps all that much but in the sense it’s very artificial and constructed, yet still creative, subjective and sensory. and so, i quiver with delight at the names of lipsticks which perfectly connect my experiences to a simple colour.'
- anon
'i like to think that my ideal wardrobe is just the clothing i like best, but really, it is constructed out of how i want people to see me.'
- Phoebedeirdra
'Feminism is about choice. for example, that women should have the choice to marry or to stay single. in this instance, women have every right to choose to wear make up every day. if it makes her feel beautiful and confident, then that's awesome. the only problem is if it's because of society's pressures (real or perceived).'
- Yvette
- the collaborators: University of Bristol virologist Andrew Davidson, glassblowers, Kim George, Brian Jones + Norman Veitch
- inspiration taken from high-resolution electron microscopic images, creating large, painstakingly accurate glass sculptures of viruses and bacteria such as HIV, E. coli, SARS, and H1N1 (Swine flu)
- over 5 years of development + research
E. Coli
future mutation
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