'i am woman, hear me smile. i like to paint my nails and shave my legs, and i wear a bra because God gave me a decent pair and i want them to stay up. i like wearing shoes, preferably toe-numbingly tall ones, and dread the day my podiatrist tells me that enough is enough. i take great pride in cooking, and hunger for the sated smiles of dinner guests.
when a man opens the door for me, i thank him for his kindness. i cry at soppy movies and snuggle into my husband. yes, i'm married. i want to share my life.
i worked as a lawyer, on a political campaign and in PR. so far i know i'm an advocate, my drug of choice is the adrenaline of purpose, and i'm a storyteller.
the point is that i have choices. and i didn't get them by chance. they are my inheritance from the pioneering warriors of generations past. there is so much to thank them for. i watch Joan and Peggy cop grubby office come-ons daily on Mad Men and it's as alien to me as Battlestar Galactica. when i say no, it means fuck off or you'll go to prison.
i delight in the privacy of a polling booth and don't give two hoots how my husband, dad or brothers vote.
i felt not pressure to marry other than the persistent drumbeat of my heart and the certainty of my head. i kept my maiden name and it was unremarkable. i've opened bank accounts, borrowed money and invested it unchaperoned.
if i choose to study law but decide that the profession is not for me, that's as okay for me as it would be for my brothers. if i choose to get married and move overseas for my husband's work, write books about politics and shoe porn, take time off work to have kids, that's okay too.
my generation sees equal opportunity as the norm because of the work hers did, but i don't want to lose my gender in her ongoing agenda. why mimic maleness? i wear make-up because i like to, not because men expect me to. that's the same reason why i covet the stylings of Messers Louboutin, Dolce and Gabbana. it's why i put thought into form-fitting garments that flatter my figure.
veterans, please know that when we wear our sex on our sleeve it is not because we are ungrateful, it's because we revel every day in the spoils of your victory. in choosing to be and do whoever and whatever we want, we honour you. thanks to you, when a little girl puts on a pink dress it doesn't diminish her.'
- sections from 'Lipstick Feminism' - Jessica Rudd, p.161 Vogue Australia December 2011
Laneway Festival is approaching once again, and while i'm not sure how i feel about the lineup this year (well, in 2012), Harvest Festival is well and truly on my to-do list (though ticket still not purchased). regardless, here is a blurred happy snap of a friend and i pre-Laneway last / this year:

wearing Karen Walker button-up
+ i have been thoroughly appreciating old Freaks & Geeks episodes / Margherita Missoni's style lately.
+ before a friend's 19th birthday in early August of this year:

when a man opens the door for me, i thank him for his kindness. i cry at soppy movies and snuggle into my husband. yes, i'm married. i want to share my life.
i worked as a lawyer, on a political campaign and in PR. so far i know i'm an advocate, my drug of choice is the adrenaline of purpose, and i'm a storyteller.
the point is that i have choices. and i didn't get them by chance. they are my inheritance from the pioneering warriors of generations past. there is so much to thank them for. i watch Joan and Peggy cop grubby office come-ons daily on Mad Men and it's as alien to me as Battlestar Galactica. when i say no, it means fuck off or you'll go to prison.
i delight in the privacy of a polling booth and don't give two hoots how my husband, dad or brothers vote.
i felt not pressure to marry other than the persistent drumbeat of my heart and the certainty of my head. i kept my maiden name and it was unremarkable. i've opened bank accounts, borrowed money and invested it unchaperoned.
if i choose to study law but decide that the profession is not for me, that's as okay for me as it would be for my brothers. if i choose to get married and move overseas for my husband's work, write books about politics and shoe porn, take time off work to have kids, that's okay too.
my generation sees equal opportunity as the norm because of the work hers did, but i don't want to lose my gender in her ongoing agenda. why mimic maleness? i wear make-up because i like to, not because men expect me to. that's the same reason why i covet the stylings of Messers Louboutin, Dolce and Gabbana. it's why i put thought into form-fitting garments that flatter my figure.
veterans, please know that when we wear our sex on our sleeve it is not because we are ungrateful, it's because we revel every day in the spoils of your victory. in choosing to be and do whoever and whatever we want, we honour you. thanks to you, when a little girl puts on a pink dress it doesn't diminish her.'
- sections from 'Lipstick Feminism' - Jessica Rudd, p.161 Vogue Australia December 2011
Laneway Festival is approaching once again, and while i'm not sure how i feel about the lineup this year (well, in 2012), Harvest Festival is well and truly on my to-do list (though ticket still not purchased). regardless, here is a blurred happy snap of a friend and i pre-Laneway last / this year:
wearing Karen Walker button-up
+ i have been thoroughly appreciating old Freaks & Geeks episodes / Margherita Missoni's style lately.
+ before a friend's 19th birthday in early August of this year:
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