
sui generis

'we always have said we want our customers to buy into our product because they have an emotional connection to the garment, not because they are buying into a trend or something. there's heart in what we do and i know it sounds lame but it's the only way we know how.'
- Luke Sales, Romance was Born

'the online world is one thing ; make sure your connections and work become tangible at some point.'

work for a cause, not for applause | live life to express, not to impress

injustice remains untouched by the ravages of time and commerce. imagine if Jay had lived through the release of The Blueprint and then got cut down right before dropping The Black Album. how many churches would have been erected in his honour? now he must contend with rumours about the Illuminati and faking a pregnancy.

as a true child of the Internet, he finds himself in a near-constant state of flux; a restless neo-artisan with a penchant for cross-pollination.

you're going to miss every moment of this.. of everything.
sometimes i feel like i'm already gone / ahead and im just vividly remembering everything that's happening in the moment. fur real. sometimes everything feels too familiar to be just happening for the first time. the show feels like that sometimes. you can't understand something totally and enjoy it at the same time, i think. but it's fun to not know all of it. everybody wants some magic. something they can't quite figure out.
the rules of the Internet are the rules of our new universal language like the Bible, like the Constitution, we make rules to break later and be better. pushing forward until we are all just a bodiless conscious, buzzing through the air trading information, conversing, testing ideas without fear or violence. free from limit. this is the moment we decide if we want to be the kid pouring salt on a worker's head at the sit in, or the kids sitting calmly in the face of what everyone else identifies as futility.
..or we can be the kid sitting back, just trying to eat. ignoring what's happening in front of them. not having an opinion until the aceptable choice is handed to you by people you don't know.
we have reached a moment wehre there is no 'real' because we don't care anymore we can curate what's real every day on our timeline feed. the boundary of what's real and what we want to be real is as volatile as the worth of our bitcoin or human heartbeat.
this is an important moment.
but be[a]ware that we are all making it up as we go. together.
our human collective unconscious.
our deep web.
learn [to/the] code.
they're arguing about driving, or cooking with coconut oil instead of olive oil, or something else they themselves will not care about or remember in a month, year, ten years, 100 years, the age of the universe.
it's not a very pretty or perfect love, or even necessarily a romantic love. it doesn't look cool. it's more like two helpless things in the wild, and one says 'i'll protect you', and both parties know it's a lie because there's no way either of them can protect the other from anything. that lie is the best way to describe this love. that feeling of not having to say 'i'm scared', because you share the exact feelings without having words over or under complicate it, that's worth more than protection. it's a connection. the less alone. this is all we look for on Earth.

- i'd like to say Holden Caufield, but that's untrue. i'm probably more Gonzo. he's just a weird dude that just wants to be liked. no one really knows what he is. he's into chickens. why is everyone hatin' on dude being into chickens?

we are the dreams of our parents lost in the future | who hide the deepest desires and wear a mask like a lucha
- Life: The Biggest Troll

make your own momentum
truly the Salvador Dali of our time
make a diagram of how art makes you feel
stop in front of a painting that you like. call someone you miss and describe it.
find something that you don't understand. embrace it.

'i knew you must be feeling strange. i think its the lack of comfort zone and the anonymity.' - a loved one

i wanted to read one last thing to you. it's actually something a good friend had wrote describing my world. it says:
'the caterpillar is a prisoner to the streets that conceived it. its only job is to eat or consume everything around it, in order to protect itself from this mad city. while consuming its environment, the caterpillar begins to notice ways to survive. one thing it noticed is how much the world shuns him, but praises the butterfly. the butterfly represents the talent, the thoughtfulness, and the beauty within the caterpillar.'
- 'Mortal Man', Kendrick Lamar

never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

'look at Scottish guys wearing kilts - you could look at them and laugh, but the way they carry themselves, how can you? you can wear some of the weirdest things and be cool. if you believe in it,s that's what makes it cool' - Andre 3000
'find someone who has a life that you want and figure out how they got it. read books, pick your role models wisely. find out what they did and do it.' - Lana Del Rey

'coding is a beautiful thing. if there is a God, he definitely codes. there are fail-safes in the world. that's code. i don't want young black kids to aspire to be rappers or ballers. even lawyers and doctors - those are service positions. i want them to be coders. they can make their own worlds then. they don't need anybody else. i love hearing those kids' ideas, all these kids on the Internet. the excitement of making something, that's the spark of God.' - Donald Glover

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