read perpetually.
learn from women with long grey hair pulled into ponytails.
stop waiting for the weekend.
spend time alone.
do not fear potato chips.
choose your one and only karaoke song and own it.
save animals, not boys.
have a friend you'd like to start a jazz band with.
next time you're with your family, really be there.
never live on a street that's too convenient.
invest in property, art and black lace underwear.
stop taking selfies. when someone else takes your picture, it can be magic.
use your imagination when cooking fish.
believe in happy endings.
let yourself be bewildered.
spend three days in a row without shoes.
let someone else make the bed.
study unconventional paths.
think it, become it. that's destiny.
i've been working on my doctorate for ten years now. i'm learning the hard lesson that the work i do is small. and the further i get down the road, the more i doubt that i have something new to add to the discussion. i try to keep encouraging myself. the other day i wrote in the margin of my notebook: 'you have something to say!'
- Humans of New York
please let yourself be proud of small things. please do that. please allow yourself to get excited about playing a video game well or sending an ask you were nervous about or letting a bug outside or peeling the whole orange in one try. please get excited about that. please. that's so cool i'm so glad you do it.
a signature can only be handwritten
i hope you get a paper cut on your tongue from a razor in a paper cup
i hope every soda you drink already shaken up
i hope your dreams dry like raisins in the baking sun
i hope your titties all saggy in your early 20s
i hope there's always snow in your driveway
i hope you never get off Fridays and you work at Fridays that's always busy on Fridays
i hope you win the lottery and lose your ticket
i hope it's Ben and Socrates poop all up in your kitchen
i hope the zipper on your jacket gets stuck
and your headphones short, and your charger don't work
and you spill shit on your shirt
i hope your tears don't hurt, and i can smile in your face
- Chance the Rapper for Action Bronson - Baby Blue
'man, i wish Johnny and Maxie were here.' Johnny and Maxie were my Dad's best friends in high school and watching these teenage memories come back to him reminds me that my Dad is an actual person - not just ~my~ Dad. i forget that he had a life before me.
festivals are an excape from reality. it's not like my Dad and i don't talke in real life - we talk almost every day actually - but being in this environment brings new bonding and we talk as friends, not as father-and-daughter.
i ask about his time picking tobacco when he was 13.. which leads us to smoking a few roll-ups together. this is big. i have been hiding my social smoking from my parents since i was around 20 and sitting there, beer in tow and fag in hand with my pops was weird and kinda wonderful.
- via
x x x x x
i made a promise to make the most of it by writing postcards instead of posts. when i first backpacked around Europe solo, i would send dozens of postcards to my friends and family from each place i wandered to. it seems silly that although so many readers can instantly be up to date with my travels these days, my Nan might be the last to know.
- Tuula Vintage
words with As on the end are the feminine forms in some languages. then a lot of girl names seem to end on an A - Jessica, Anna, Maria, Silvia, Emma, Sophia, Helena, Olivia, etc.
we don't like gender connotations: and that the letter A (which is a totally neutral letter) is so associated with being a girl.
- Ivania Carpio
..cloaked himself in a metaphysical mystique, embracing a role as a teenage philosopher amongst his peers through a combination of quizzical Twitter truths and raw musical talent. the self-processed sage was initially mocked as much as he was praised, but as [he] has grown older, the world has started realising the method to his madness. [he] offers conversation-starting soundbites that manage to avoid the eye-rolling platitudes spewed by most teens.
x x x x x
this is really reflective of McLuhan's views about post-literate culture. Kanye says it in a different, more concise, abstract way: 'words, fuck.'
- like listening to Travis Scott's new album, it is the feeling that you get, it's a certain sound that gives you a certain feeling. some people saying he needs to step his bars up. he doesn't need to do anything.. what comes out there comes out. if he tries to be more lyrical and forces it it sounds disingenuous. it's more about reducing - synthesising and synchronising what the words are trying to say with what the music is trying to say.
i think we have the same dilemma on leather. on one side, i do not want to support an industry that keeps animals in such an unethical way, also the production of leather is a toxic process. on the other side, faux leather is also produced in a very toxic way with a lot of waste and plastics involved. faux leather can not last decades like leather can, can hardly be repaired unlike leather, and when being discarded it does not decompose because of the plastics in it. so in the end, i think real leather would be the more sustainable thing, if you treat it like a valuable material, take care of it and buy a timeless design.
one day, many years from now, another Prime Minister will stand up and apologise for the damage done to refugees in detention. we will be told that we didn't know then what we know now. but we did know. we always knew. we just chose not to hear and to silence those who tried to remind us of the truth.
- Richard Flanagan
the best way to make a contribution in fashion is to promote the idea that a fundamental interest in preserving the environment is itself fashionable.
- Giorgio Armani
this 'ethical fashion', this 'sustainable fashion', that complies to what fashion really ish, that is borne out of passion, skills, heritage, artistry and bravery, is fashion. it's everything else that isn't.
- Orsola de Castro
be gentle with your parents.
a reminder of much worth, i think. our parents need our gentleness and we need the full, whole feeling that we get when we give it to them.
part of the reason i can be rough and impatient with mine: i find it difficult watching my parents get older.. and slower. it coincides with life speeding up beyond what most of us can deal with. for their kids, the two paces – ours and theirs – often grate. when i see my parents i have to consciously slip into third gear. otherwise i might just self-combust as they ask me again for directions to my house. or bicker about who’s fault it was that mum’s glasses were left in the car.
it’s also.. what’s the right word.. dispiriting (?) a reminder of our mortality (?) to see our parents become the vulnerable ones. they were always the authority. they knew shit. it’s hard to swap the roles. but the passing of the baton is really significant. i’ve been able to be far more gentle with mine since i've picked up the baton.
- via
buy less, choose well
relax, you will become an adult. you will figure out your career. you will find someone who loves you. you have a whole lifetime; time takes time. the only way to fail at life is to abstain.
i would find you in any lifetime.
fashion never happens in isolation.. threads crisscross back through centuries, across cultures, via pop history and politics
we need to learn how important we are
better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn't smile back
nobody cares, work harder
don't look to the approval of others for your mental stability - Karl Lagerfeld
i'd love to be able to do fashion when i want to, but i'm a prisoner of my own commercial empire'
- Yves Saint Laurent
learn from women with long grey hair pulled into ponytails.
stop waiting for the weekend.
spend time alone.
do not fear potato chips.
choose your one and only karaoke song and own it.
save animals, not boys.
have a friend you'd like to start a jazz band with.
next time you're with your family, really be there.
never live on a street that's too convenient.
invest in property, art and black lace underwear.
stop taking selfies. when someone else takes your picture, it can be magic.
use your imagination when cooking fish.
believe in happy endings.
let yourself be bewildered.
spend three days in a row without shoes.
let someone else make the bed.
study unconventional paths.
think it, become it. that's destiny.
i've been working on my doctorate for ten years now. i'm learning the hard lesson that the work i do is small. and the further i get down the road, the more i doubt that i have something new to add to the discussion. i try to keep encouraging myself. the other day i wrote in the margin of my notebook: 'you have something to say!'
- Humans of New York
please let yourself be proud of small things. please do that. please allow yourself to get excited about playing a video game well or sending an ask you were nervous about or letting a bug outside or peeling the whole orange in one try. please get excited about that. please. that's so cool i'm so glad you do it.
a signature can only be handwritten
i hope you get a paper cut on your tongue from a razor in a paper cup
i hope every soda you drink already shaken up
i hope your dreams dry like raisins in the baking sun
i hope your titties all saggy in your early 20s
i hope there's always snow in your driveway
i hope you never get off Fridays and you work at Fridays that's always busy on Fridays
i hope you win the lottery and lose your ticket
i hope it's Ben and Socrates poop all up in your kitchen
i hope the zipper on your jacket gets stuck
and your headphones short, and your charger don't work
and you spill shit on your shirt
i hope your tears don't hurt, and i can smile in your face
- Chance the Rapper for Action Bronson - Baby Blue
'man, i wish Johnny and Maxie were here.' Johnny and Maxie were my Dad's best friends in high school and watching these teenage memories come back to him reminds me that my Dad is an actual person - not just ~my~ Dad. i forget that he had a life before me.
festivals are an excape from reality. it's not like my Dad and i don't talke in real life - we talk almost every day actually - but being in this environment brings new bonding and we talk as friends, not as father-and-daughter.
i ask about his time picking tobacco when he was 13.. which leads us to smoking a few roll-ups together. this is big. i have been hiding my social smoking from my parents since i was around 20 and sitting there, beer in tow and fag in hand with my pops was weird and kinda wonderful.
- via
x x x x x
i made a promise to make the most of it by writing postcards instead of posts. when i first backpacked around Europe solo, i would send dozens of postcards to my friends and family from each place i wandered to. it seems silly that although so many readers can instantly be up to date with my travels these days, my Nan might be the last to know.
- Tuula Vintage
words with As on the end are the feminine forms in some languages. then a lot of girl names seem to end on an A - Jessica, Anna, Maria, Silvia, Emma, Sophia, Helena, Olivia, etc.
we don't like gender connotations: and that the letter A (which is a totally neutral letter) is so associated with being a girl.
- Ivania Carpio
..cloaked himself in a metaphysical mystique, embracing a role as a teenage philosopher amongst his peers through a combination of quizzical Twitter truths and raw musical talent. the self-processed sage was initially mocked as much as he was praised, but as [he] has grown older, the world has started realising the method to his madness. [he] offers conversation-starting soundbites that manage to avoid the eye-rolling platitudes spewed by most teens.
x x x x x
this is really reflective of McLuhan's views about post-literate culture. Kanye says it in a different, more concise, abstract way: 'words, fuck.'
- like listening to Travis Scott's new album, it is the feeling that you get, it's a certain sound that gives you a certain feeling. some people saying he needs to step his bars up. he doesn't need to do anything.. what comes out there comes out. if he tries to be more lyrical and forces it it sounds disingenuous. it's more about reducing - synthesising and synchronising what the words are trying to say with what the music is trying to say.
i think we have the same dilemma on leather. on one side, i do not want to support an industry that keeps animals in such an unethical way, also the production of leather is a toxic process. on the other side, faux leather is also produced in a very toxic way with a lot of waste and plastics involved. faux leather can not last decades like leather can, can hardly be repaired unlike leather, and when being discarded it does not decompose because of the plastics in it. so in the end, i think real leather would be the more sustainable thing, if you treat it like a valuable material, take care of it and buy a timeless design.
one day, many years from now, another Prime Minister will stand up and apologise for the damage done to refugees in detention. we will be told that we didn't know then what we know now. but we did know. we always knew. we just chose not to hear and to silence those who tried to remind us of the truth.
- Richard Flanagan
the best way to make a contribution in fashion is to promote the idea that a fundamental interest in preserving the environment is itself fashionable.
- Giorgio Armani
this 'ethical fashion', this 'sustainable fashion', that complies to what fashion really ish, that is borne out of passion, skills, heritage, artistry and bravery, is fashion. it's everything else that isn't.
- Orsola de Castro
be gentle with your parents.
a reminder of much worth, i think. our parents need our gentleness and we need the full, whole feeling that we get when we give it to them.
part of the reason i can be rough and impatient with mine: i find it difficult watching my parents get older.. and slower. it coincides with life speeding up beyond what most of us can deal with. for their kids, the two paces – ours and theirs – often grate. when i see my parents i have to consciously slip into third gear. otherwise i might just self-combust as they ask me again for directions to my house. or bicker about who’s fault it was that mum’s glasses were left in the car.
it’s also.. what’s the right word.. dispiriting (?) a reminder of our mortality (?) to see our parents become the vulnerable ones. they were always the authority. they knew shit. it’s hard to swap the roles. but the passing of the baton is really significant. i’ve been able to be far more gentle with mine since i've picked up the baton.
- via
buy less, choose well
relax, you will become an adult. you will figure out your career. you will find someone who loves you. you have a whole lifetime; time takes time. the only way to fail at life is to abstain.
i would find you in any lifetime.
fashion never happens in isolation.. threads crisscross back through centuries, across cultures, via pop history and politics
we need to learn how important we are
better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn't smile back
nobody cares, work harder
don't look to the approval of others for your mental stability - Karl Lagerfeld
i'd love to be able to do fashion when i want to, but i'm a prisoner of my own commercial empire'
- Yves Saint Laurent
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