

we had qcs today; a 'serious' 'practice'. reminds me sickeningly of non-competitive competitions, can't stand the thought of those time-wasters. they're always supposed to be about 'character-building' and everything that teachers/parents alike like to throw at us at any/every given chance.
the first session was a writing task about 'essence'.
i chose to base my nonsensical words around a quote with a little image of einstein behind it. i think it said something like 'the energy of the mind is the essence of life'.
i tried to write as if i was a man (actually i just realised something really stupid; i could have been a woman.. i don't know why the whole time and up until writing this i had imagined myself as a a man ? hahaha..that's so bad) who had woken from a coma and found this world to be unsatisfactory and ridiculously boring compared to what he had found himself amongst in his state of coma.

i took a lot lotlot of inspo from regina spektor/my last blog ( so obviously, makes me look so uncreative now, three thumbs down) and the mars volta. which is pretty bad, i wasn't v creative at all, but that time limit didn't leave much time for my imagination to go wild.. (saying that makes me feel a liittle better, even if you didn't believe it either.)

please please keep in mind that a bloody lot of editing went on between the writing of the draft that i typed this up from and the copy that i handed in..hm.

and so i present to you..'MORBID ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BRAIN':
some argue that the colour blue is the central core upon which our entire human existence orbits. our veins are blue, the sky and the ocean blue, and, similarly, as is our planet when viewed from a distant point.
others claim that our humanity is predominantly white. after all, there will always be volumes more silence than noise in the world at any given time. thus, the coining of the terms 'white-noise' and 'the sound of white.'
(hahaha i realised after writing this that that makes noo sense whatsoever, white noise has v little to do with silence, but i left it like that..sounded better that way..)
i, however, disagree.

in speaking from experience, it is with ease that i argue my opinion. so plainly is the essence of our being and mental make-up and capacity; grey.
grey is the most human colour, so aptly representing the lack of energy that is the morbid anatomy of the human brain. what colour could better depict the lack of creativity and innovative thought of the human mind ?
although, perhaps thankfully, we are mostly blind to the blandness of the lack of life that we lead.

we are born within the confines of grey concrete walls of a hospital, or in some cases (that are undoubtedly shunned in humoured dinner-party conversation), in a similarly grey-hued toilet bowl.
we live life with no excitement; no vibrance nor motivation. those who do believe that they were born for a reason and have a meaningful life are simply the ill-informed. to live a life of magnificence, one must leave this planet and travel to further, greater places; to go beyond.

the scientific quota of protons, neutrons and electrons that have been designated to each human is far too minute an amount to be able to provide and persaude the amount of mental energy that is required to lead a life of vibrance. dreams and comatose are more or less the only opportunities in our lives that depict these unreachable visions and experiences that can not be obtained on our planet.

in death, we are grey. our bodies lie hauntingly still beneath layer upon layer of earth. our lips become grey and unmoving, whilst our hearts no longer beat a healthy rhythm, instead lying stagnant and cold; consumed with stale blood.
in death we again become grey, our lives become grey, our world..grey.

if only you could see ! the colours, the movement, the unimagineable; the sights that i saw !
if only you could hear ! the music, the lights, the energy that could be felt in the air !
this world cannot compare to my comatosed visions, everything now seems so monochromatic. all sounds and voices seem so comparitively monotone.
in my visions, so clear was the energy that your minds and lives lack on this earth.
with so much clarity could i see the colours that we are so subconsciously craving. to regain consciousness was as if to have been swept head-first into the throes of a horrific war. this landscape seems so barren, faces collectively gaunt. living bodies move lifelessly as if ghosts or shadows.
here it is all grey, only grey.

within this hosptital, so still and quiet, every day i see life and death and the emotions that are brought into existence as a result. that human emotion seems so extreme, but even that is just a tiny drop of water in comparison to the great oceanic multitude of drops that were my visions.
i see grey-faced babies gasping for their first breath beside the grey-haired, grey-skinned elderly and young, alike, who have finally reached death.

an outlet is all i ask for. my only request is to be given an end to this suffocating engulfment of grey. i am told that there are drugs to induce coma, yet this request remains ungranted.

grey skies, grey lips, the grey energy of the human brain.
grey; the most human colour.

1 comment:

  1. oh. my. goodness.
    i just wish you'd write lotsandlotsandlots about anything and everything because i swear i could quite easily read your writing all day.
    you're remarkable. you really are.


your thoughts will be read and appreciated, thanks for taking the time x