
everyone look at me, i have a varied and intellectual taste in music.

i'm not complaining in any way,
but how predictable were Paranoid Android, Joy Division, Hallelujah, Teen Spirit etc.
but wow, im happy Killing in the Name Of was #2, but had sort of forgotten about that song. im super surprised.
i remember when my brother really got into the Live at the Grand Olympic
Auditorium album at the end/middle? of his highschool years, and so i also started listening to and secretly really liking RATM as they bellowed from his room most days. so much energy in one song, but my #2? no no.

it appears that a whole heap of the songs in the upper half of the Hottest 100 were by artists/bands that have taken their own life/been killed or have suffered a band member that has passed away.
i really hope that those songs would have rated equally as high had the artist in question not died.


Guess what? i just found some heart-warming/wrenching words, all of the below being found in the last 30 seconds:
1. It all pretty much comes from the heart, your base desire.
2. Degenerate art-fag chambercore.
3. From the wailing moans to the little sigh at the start, it's perfect.
4. i love you australia.

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