
jerry & the manmade sharks

oh they were soo much better in their (insert debut/2nd album namedrop) dayz

..is what i'd say if i cared.
but i don't.

i'm not going to say i only like certain bands' older stuff..yknow, before they 'sold out' to commercialism, bc that shiz makes me wild. if you don't like a band all of a sudden because they've become well-known then it's pretty probable that you hardly liked them in the 1st place. usually with that sort of thing, there seems to have been more of an original appeal to the 'indie'ness of the band/artist then an interest in their actual music, which is a shame..

ps just quickly, while on the (fleeting) topic of indie, i v much like justin heazlewood's (aka the Bedroom Philosopher) quip - "it's hard to look indie when it's windy" hehehehe, referring to the stereotypical male indie hair-do of course.

buttt what i WILL say is that i wish certain bands hadn't (unofficially) split up/had their vocalist go off onto a solo project.
don't get me wrong, often those projects are, and have been, really great..
just for eg. the likes of: thom yorke, bernard fanning, kevin mitchell, katie noonan, paul dempsey, paul banks, ..., ..., ..., . ,. ,,,, ..... are/have been really impressive, but in most instances the projects, to me, have seemed to sort of lack the instrumentation and thickness of sound that could be heard with the original band..
when stripped back to what is usually just the vocalist and a guitar/piano, i admit that it IS basic in the really great sense of the word, (think jack johnson-like simplicity), but still not my fave side of their music-making.

there's a lot of hype surrounding particular solo projects right now - k-mitch/'bob evans' & the pauls, especially. i do like those three, of course, bc i'm quite loyal to any music that they produce, but i'm not as fussed on their solo projects as their oldschool band-produced stuff.
while i would jump at the chance to see any of them live, and am actually lucky enough to bee seeing one in a little under one month's time, what i want mostly is to see their old bands reformed/re-touring.

those i'm talking about are of course the bands of the vocalists mentioned above.
in particular i want to see:

1. kev with jebediah,
(how much fun is the animation in this video, no?)

2. paul with something for kate,
(i always liked the fact that SFK had a female bassist, steph ashworth. she always seemed to have a sort of don't-give-a-shit attitude, and wore what she liked/had cool hair and just looked awesome and laidback in general. she made me want to pick up a bass in late primary school..but instead, as i procrastinate horribly, i picked up a compulsory recorder. what an equally bass-guitar-ly impact that had on my life, nay.
paul's such a ragdoll in this one, it makes me laugh. if you've got uber time on yr hands, check out some of his similarly crazyfun movements/facial expressions here aswell.)

the recording isn't fantastic for this one, but i really really wanted to share it. it's so beautiful, words can hardly describe/do justice, especially my level of wording anyway.
this video is one of the only youtube clips i've come across that doesn't include a single comment of dislike or general bullshit..that's gotta be saying something about it's content, surely.

and just to add some more video/SFK content to this post :), here's some more. so good:

& 3. katie with george.
(isn't this such a fantastic video ? it's so laidback and happy, everyones just rolling round in couches. makes me want to be there insanely, such a fun mood has been set up.
it's really cool, on george's albums the songs alternate vocalists, with one song being sung by katie while the next is sung by her brother ty, and then katie, ty, etc. some include both, with one harmonising with the other or featuring in little sections, but i like the alternating action. it's just right.
oh and my sister and i always had a little crush on nick, the smilie brown-haired guitarist.)

i tried to find a clip of Breaking it Slowly, which features Tyrone mostly on vox, but was unsuccessful. have a look on their myspace page or something, it's so unbelievably worth your while.

i miss all of those three. hugely, in fact.
i was of the completely incorrect age when they were touring/in their prime, so i think i've missed any chance of seeing these gorgeous people sing/play/make angelic sounds in person.
it really makes me sad.

i think i really live in the past with my music preferences..most of my favourite artists/albums aren't so much current ones, but ones that i'd flogged a few years back, or ones that my sister, and on a few occasions ones my brother, have influenced me to appreciate.
so my musical interests are totally relient upon what i listened to when i was younger, and i love that. my parents aren't so much into music, which i find hard to understand. i think they grew up just listening to ~nothing, or just whatever everyone else was listening to..i guess that had a lot to do with the technology and access to music when they were growing up, but it seems like such a waste to me.
they hardly expanded upon what was the norm, so don't have a huge interest in music now. they both played piano as kids and own lots of cds etc now, but don't have a favourite artist or a want to go out and find new music..they live their life really contently within their own little musical bubble.. which is fine, but i can't be like that.

i'm constantly wanting to find new music, to expand my horizons and be influenced and made of aware of political/current issues within music.
i was listening to (another example of one of my favourite non-recent releases) John Butler Trio's Sunrise Over Sea album last night and remembered how many political messages there were within so many of those songs. a lot were centred around Australia too, and our then foreign policy/s and opinion toward refugees, as a nation, and it was interesting/sad to realise that not a lot has changed in between the album's release and today.

i like music that sparks a lot of political interest and speaks a really strong message to the nation/world. Against Me!, JBT, and a lot of Aussie hiphop groups (eg. The Herd, lesser-known indigenous groups) really speak their minds in their music and i love that, it brings the music to a whole new level and so often they are wording exactly what i'm thinking but am too soft to voice so publicly. i put my thumbs up to their efforts. strong political messages and statements in music add a completely new level to the music, and seem, in my eyes, to add a whole heap of intelligence and interest to the vocalist.

just to finish, i really like the following words in italics. i don't even want to interpret or look into the meaning of them so much, i just like the poetic sound to the sentences. what a way with words to have, i wonder if he realises his power/talent as such a literary genius.:
So you dance and you shuffle into the eye of the storm.
Eyes all on fire, as if you've never been here before.
And you say its all nothing, you tell yourself quietly,
but I can hear you from my house breathing differently.

You can stay there forever counting the stars,
trying to separate yourself from how things are.

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