
attempted murder (of crows)

=everyone on the block might be pretty impressed you're a rockstar. but not God. like he gives a shit about your platinum disc, your goddamn Grammy, the ice around your neck. there's an earthquake in goddamn Turkey to deal with, kids are dying in Iraq, Satan's flying around trying to possess people. like he has time for your bullcrap. he hasn't heard your record, he hasn't seen your video, and you can put his name on the door but he's turning up to your goddamn concert. nope.
even if you're a big-time celebrity, the only way to impress God is to put in a bit of elbow grease at the theological coalface.

=what the hell is that?
i cut myself.
you didn't get a blood transfusion, did you? Revelation 14:3 - only a hundred and forty-four thousand will be sanctified in Heaven. a little slip like a blood transfusion..and you're f**ked. i don't care what your story is, i don't care if you're a skinny man in France dying of a big disease with a little name..no blood transfusions.
what the hell are you wearing that for? Christ died on an out-stretched pole. he didn't die on a cross, thus a witness does not wear a crucifix.
right, so you can wear that artist formally known as [Prince], symbol?
=you've got quite the social conscious, don't you? every Friday, i see you outside the Nike store, waving your placard proclaiming 'stop the sweatshop exploitation'. every Saturday, i see you surfing on top of a train, spray-painting S11=M1=03 screaming 'equal pay for third-world women'. then every Sunday, i see you training in a paramilitary camp in Sudan ready to take down US Capitalistm, in an elaborate and ingenius terrorism campaign..hissing through your teeth 'stop the exploitation'.
oh you've got time to stand up for every minority group in the universe..except for one.
laugh, will you. you think Bardot and the other generations of pop stars are expendible human beings worthy of nought but scorn? if they smashed their complimentary Volkswagen Beetles, do they not bleed? if one of their gold records drops on their foot, do they not say 'ouch'? and while we're on the subject, did they get to keep those Volkswagen Beetles? and for all those gold records, did they really get anything in their bank accounts?
in fact, considering the moola pop stars made for the TV stations and the production company, did Katie, Sophie, Daniella, Jason, Simon and all the other singing dancing boys and girls out there at the pop star coalface get a cut of the action that reflected the show's success?
i know their wellbeing doesn't concern you. but ala Faith No More when the guy with the spiky hair was lead singer..i care a lot.
=i was looking at a copy of 'N Sync Celebrity, and i couldn't help but note just how not attractive nearly every member of the band is. and i don't mean in some subjective 'hey i don't dig that boy band look in general' type of way, i mean 'N Sync don't even tick the basic boxes of shallow boy band attractiveness.
okay, Justin Timberlake's okay, and this guy..whatever. then you get to these two here and if you shoot them in black and white, behind some shadows, you can fool some of the people some of the time..but not me.
and then we get to Joey Fatone.
from what viewpoint, from what perspective, in which parallel universe is this guy goodlooking enough to be in a boy band? tell me there are seventeen people living in your block of flats better looking than him.
don't give me this skin-deep shit..he doesn't even write any of the songs.
if you're in a boy band and you're not goodlooking, what are you?

and don't they know it. in the video clip he gets about two seconds of air time, usually hidden behind a pillar or shot from some 'arty' angle to gloss over his unGodlyness.
under what master plan of God does this guy get to be in a boy band, getting driven around in a silver ghost Rolls-Royce, smoking a fat cigar in front of a fireplace stoking the flames with wads of hundred dollar bills, swimming around in a caviar-filled jacuzzi with hoochie mamas..whilst you're out stacking shelves at K-Mart?
don't tell me, it's not his looks, he brings other things to the band. he doesn't write the songs, he can't dance that well, he can't sing any better than if your voice was put through a reverb unit. how did he slip through the net?
tell me you don't see 8000 people every day better looking than Joey Fatone?
- John Safran

hehehe. as you may have noticed, i've been watching a lot of episodes of John Safran's tv shows lately..very amusing.

+ currently listening to: Elvis Presley, The Holidays, Mr Little Jeans, Fleetwood Mac, Theophilus London, Split Seconds.

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