
well, this isnt ideal

though the majority of my assessment is done and dusted, i still have two exams lying ahead of me before November reaches it's midpoint.
one is for economics and one for a statistics subject - both of which are compulsory and that i equally loathe. it is so hard to concentrate when i am so disinterested, and there is just so much of an information overload with economics..i am retaining nothing because my mind is always elsewhere.

i keep finding myself having 'fashion' breaks in which i delve into reinvigorating imagery to keep my mind alert and buzzing. almost like a sugar hit.


+ speaking of which, i'm thinking of cutting down on my sugar intake to an amount scraping zero in order to boost energy levels / control my cravings / avoid afternoon brain lapses, but i don't know if i have the motivation to change some staples, and to cut down on my fruit intake (initially, at least, in the detox stage). hmmmmmmmmm.

i wish this apartment had a bathtub.


tomorrow i will have words

words that don’t exist in the English language:
- L’esprit d’escalier (French) – the feeling you get after leaving a conversation, when you think of all the things you should have said; translated it means 'the spirit of the staircase'
- Waldeinsamkeit (German) – the feeling of being alone in the woods
- Meraki (Greek) – doing something with soul, creativity, or love
- Forelsket (Norwegian) – the euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love
- Gigil (Filipino) – the urge to pinch or squeeze something that is unbearably cute
- Pochemuchka (Russian) – a person who asks a lot of questions
- Pena ajena (Mexican Spanish) – the embarrassment you feel watching someone else’s humiliation
- Cualacino (Italian) – the mark left on a table by a cold glass
- Ilunga (Tshiluba, Congo) – a person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to tolerate it a second time, but never a third time


my fashion studies in 2012

up until now i have been two parts completely nervous and one part excited for my debut fashion studio subject at uni next year. up until now my subjects have been purely theoretical. i will be taking a fashion illustration course next semester as well.
the studio subjects are about 12 contact hours per week for 2 years..and in fourth year that increases to about 20 hours per week ! insanse.

i remembered this promotional video made with this year's QUT Fine Arts (Fashion) students (i haven't yet done studio as my double degree structure is slightly different, and so if you simultaneously study Business + Fashion, you do not do any practical work until the 3rd semester).
in any other context, the exciting factors that are mentioned such as the distinct family vibes that develop over the teaching period, and the creative / open atmosphere, would seem to be a cheesy marketing ploy..to my cynical self at least.
but i've seen people graduate from these courses, and i have seen / heard how much they value the relationships that they have formed during their time studying.

+ so after re-watching this video, i have become less nervous about my self-taught skills, and just thankful that i was offered a place, amongst the few others that were.:

bring on 2012.


the revolution will not be televised / can we steer away from the whole picking up on other people's grammar thing..internet discussions just turn stupid when this happens

Triple J Unearthed and the Great Monopolisation of Australian Music:

'so it has arrived — Triple J's new Unearthed digital radio station. as pitched by the Jster's, this is a fantastic and groundbreaking new exponent for up-and-coming Australian artists whereby their unsigned wares can be broadcasted to the nation. it's so easy, you just upload a song or two and then (if you're handpicked by one of The J Team) you'll find some spins on Unearthed Radio before — fingers crossed — you'll go on to graduate to the big league and get played on Triple J. a positive idea in theory for those bands out there seeking that ever elusive 'break', but the question that must be posed — is this a healthy development for the Australian music industry? and the answer in this writer's opinion is absolutely not.

more often than not Triple J is the make-or-break medium in this country for Australian bands and artists. you hit the high rotation on the J's and you will quickly find queues outside your show at the OAF, rather than twenty mates peppered around the room hoping you finish in time for them to go and get a New York Slice. perhaps unfortunately, this is just the way it is and has been for some time.

you might think that having a relative monopoly over our national music airwaves might be enough, however a new beast has been developed by Triple J in the form of Unearthed Radio and along with it they have all but issued a memo stating — 'if you're an up and coming Australian band who doesn't arrive to us through our Unearthed system you can pretty much get farked cause we ain't playing your music'. it can barely be argued that this isn't the gauntlet being thrown down when you think about it. can anyone name any Australian bands that have come through JJJ and into prominence in the last few years that haven't been 'unearthed'? now think about then how much emphasis this must mean that bands and labels etc. are generally placing on Unearthed and hence what implications this has for our Australian music scene.

creating a system like this surely raises issues relating to market ownership and monopolisation, which are concepts that when related to a creative outlet (or just about anything for that matter) become dangerous ones. furthermore, isn't operating with this 'if we don't find them and we don't own them, then we're not interested' mentality when it comes to supporting new Australian music also effectively a slap in the face to everyone else operating in the Australian music industry? where is the role for A&R guys/gals, labels, management, agents etc. in terms of discovery if the only Australian bands that are going to rise to national airplay are pretty much categorically going to come through Unearthed? doesn't this just create an even more apathetic climate in an industry that should be synonymous with creativity and forward thinking?

a lot of questions but at the end of the day what Triple J are trying to do through the guise of 'Unearthed' is to create a system whereby they can take ownership over emerging Australian musical talent. and so perhaps the most poignant question to ask is why? why as a branch of the ABC and so in theory an objective organisation, are they trying to say to young Australian artists that the only way forward is by signing up to Unearthed and complying with their way of doing things? market share is one viable reason, but surely as a Government funded station that doesn't need to sell ad space, this is not the only motivator.

Triple J say that Unearthed Radio is innovative and intends to create a platform for unsigned and uncashed bands to deliver their music to the world, and in some respects it achieves this function. however, after all is said and done this function is grossly unnecessary and has so far only succeeded in turning much of the Australian music scene into an overblown battle o' the bands to be adjudicated by the self-proclaimed 'King' (yes I know it's part of his name but it's still self-aggrandising and lame given his position) and his sidekicks.

the biggest mistake you could make as a band uploading your tunes to Unearthed is to think that you are subjecting your material to an open forum, where if your work is truly great you will succeed in getting it on the radio. on the contrary, you are subjecting yourself to the opinions of a select few Triple J staffers who, given their track records in 'discovering great Aussie bands', have at best extremely questionable taste. of course, musical opinion is always a murky habitat, but, Art Vs Science, Washington, Little Red etc. let's be honest, the gaze seems more transfixed on the middle of the mediocre freeway rather than on the hunt for the next Avalanches or The Drones. further on the point of taste; why is a 50 year old man the designated 'tastemaker' for our national youth broadcaster anyway?

the real tragedy of the whole 'Unearthed' brand is that in the likely scheme of things it has only just begun. the scary reality is that the cycle will more than likely snowball as new bands become more and more dependent on Triple J Unearthed to push them to a national audience.

or, in a far less likely development, maybe it'll finally drive a deserved tidal wave of negative sentiment from artists and the remaining industry alike into the offices of Triple J before everyone goes ahead and turns their attention to those peeps actually on the hunt for interesting new music (See FBI Radio, RRR, PBS etc). wishful thinking huh?

nowhere else in the world is there a system like this — where the one avenue really does determine the make-or-break point for bands and that in itself is a pretty nasty concept, only exacerbated by the fact that the bands cutting through courtesy of some Triple J blow work are at best lukewarm. what this effectively means is that as it stands if the next Bradford Cox comes from Sydney or Melbourne a deserved audience will probably never hear from him unless he moves overseas.

a monopoly, an innovation, an abomination, Orwellian, whatever you choose to call it, one thing is for certain — it is here to stay. however that stay should not be without criticism, analysis, and questions such as; Triple J why are you attempting to reign over us as the singular and somewhat tyrannical champions of music in this country instead of simply fulfilling your role as a government funded broadcaster of unique, original and quality Australian music as per the initial Double J ethos statement? at this point in time don't bother looking for a reasonable answer, just change the channel.'


'as someone who dislikes the bulk of JJJ with a passion, i wasn't expecting myself to take the part of devil's advocate, but surprises happen...

as far as i can see, the entire premise of this article revolves around the following statement, which isn't really qualified:

however a new beast has been developed by Triple J in the form of Unearthed Radio and along with it they have all but issued a memo stating — 'if you're an up and coming Austrlian band who doesn't arrive to us through our Unearthed system you can pretty much get farked cause we ain't playing your music'.

has this actually been established in any way? Because if this is just speculation then it's a fairly wild assertion to make.

yes, Kingsmill is a dictator - but he still responds to the right voices. just look at the amount of music hosted on the Unearthed site over the years that never got a single look-in until the act got signed and the wheels started turning.

if that stuff about 'no-Unearthed-no-airplay' and the 'graduation' process being the only way to get played is true, then yes - it's a pretty dire situation. but i'd need to see proof of that being the case.

at the end of the day my perspective is: if it looks like Unearthed is a monopoly, that's because it is - simply due to the lack of an alternative. in the face of absolutely no other national (mass cultural) platform for exposure of emerging Australian talent, all I really see this as being is Triple J attempting to bring a open-ended point for discovery.'

- all text via


nothing really mattress

'the first step in the design process is responding to something. sometimes you don't know what exactly that is until it happens, and sometimes you think it would be so much easier if it was a pre-meditated process. it's something that is natural and evolves and comes to life - and you're rewarded with product at the end of the day.
i'm quite curious about the dehumanisation of people. we're almost becoming drones in a way. i'm quite concerned about that social situation. it's the idea of dehumanisation vs natural, and the fact that there's always this challenge and this dialogue and we're kind of battling that with ourselves. we've all got this perfect version of what we think is perfection. sometimes that can be artificial, and there's something quite beautiful about the natural and the not so polished..and i'm curious about that.
my signature is definitely the opposite and equal reaction, and that's why i create these parameters of only working monochromatically in a collection. but that's not to say that i don't want to venture into colour in the future..this is just how i'm feeling at the moment.
i love the psychology of colour. as a consumer myself, i love the fact that colour can either repel people, or bring people to you..but black and white, i just love the fact that it's dramatic and it is what it is. there's a crisp communication and it is void of that initial response where you are responding to something which is colour - you're responding now to the design; the silhouette. that's what inspires me foremost. not using colour means that my focus is on silhouette, and it is on the texture, and it is on the contrast. it comes back to then the underlying philosophy of opposite and equal reaction. you find that in all forms. it's the natural order; the male and the female counterpart, the black and the white...'
- Gail Reid for Gail Sorronda, May 2010

- from the Stylemint October T Moment video

'Chris Supranowitz is a researcher at The Insitute of Optics at the University of Rochester. along with a number of other spectacular studies (such as quantum optics, trapping of atoms, dark states and entanglement), Chris has decided to look at the relatively boring grooves of a vinyl record using the institute’s electron microscope.
a single groove magnified 1000 times':

'sometimes in my travels i have come across something that immediately inspires rage and true hatred inside of me. these things are not always obvious and can at times be very subtle, apparently innocuous, and for the most part benign, yet they create in me an immediate impulse control crisis that in turn generates the threat of imminent violence. in the past the things that have caused me to want to smash to pieces either the item of disdain, the item’s bearer, or the closest inanimate object have been varied.
Baby on board warning signs in the rear window of a vehicle. i want to cook smores over you and your ‘baby on board’ as you lay trapped and screaming while you burn to death in your overturned car after i smash you into a ditch.
ugg boots. ugg boots symbolise all that is useless and vile about the women that wear them and i want to club them like a baby seal.
Mac people. i don’t care if nobody makes viruses for your hippie operating system. i hate Bill Gates like the next guy but don’t try and make me join your tree-hugging ‘hip’ techno-cult. just get out of my face before i thrash you permanently with your ergonomic ‘world-peace’ bush-hating white pussy-boy laptop. nobody cares that graphic designers prefer your s***. its a laptop not a lifestyle!
and now the most recent focus of my blind rage and perhaps the most deserving. the new Pepsi advertising campaign 'Everything Refreshes'.
the advertisements are like a hate-crime on my brain. i hate the colors, i hate the font, i hate the message, and i absolutely HATE the new Pepsi logo. first of all it’s so obvious that it’s a outright copy of the Obama campaign logo that it makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit each time i see one. the two logos are identical. there is a giant billboard with the word 'HOPE' just down the street from my condo. no mention of the word 'Pepsi' but it is their logo in place of the distinctive 'O', not Obama’s but Pepsi’s 'O'. clearly Pepsi is trying to ride the ascendency of Obama’s campaign popularity. what are they trying to say? 'Obama is the man who is going to refresh our nation'?
i know that massive corporations have vast and powerful marketing divisions that use the latest developments in science, psychology, and human mind control to turn us all into endlessly purchasing consumer robots. a nation of pale-faced zombies all moaning 'buy buy buy' while mindlessly staggering through shopping malls. well these Pepsi f***s are now trying to tap into the consumer zeitgeist and replace one symbol for another (and turn a buck as they do it). somehow you’re not an American unless you drink Pepsi, it’s like a loyalty oath for consumers. you don’t believe in America unless you love Obama and drink Pepsi. i think i read somewhere that it cost Pepsi one million dollars to design their logo. one million dollars!? that would have taken me five minutes with a pencil and some tracing paper.
i get it. i understand that you are using one thing to sell another. i really don’t care that you’re stealing either because what you are stealing is a lie anyway. there is no intellectual property if the idea you are stealing / selling is intellectually bankrupt. Pepsi ad campaign / Obama election campaign..YOU are intellectually bankrupt. this is the new brutal parody of modern civilisation. a society of merciless consumption (with a prozac smile). commerce is the first commandment and ethics is merely a marketing tool. mega-corporations rule the world and there are no longer such things as integrity, dignity, compassion or faith. the citizen / consumer can no longer rebel and seldom fights the system, simply because it is impossible: the oppressor is faceless and collective.
this mindless modern consumer society utilises total control over and demands total commitment from the citizens. the oppressors hide behind a political ideology with a reprogrammed language. freedom is slavery. ignorance is strength. totalitarian states throughout history have been ruled by party bureaucracies backed up by cadres of secret police and armed forces. the citizens in those societies were closely monitored and rebellion was always punished mercilessly. today the oppressor is the same as the oppressed. the futile struggle of isolated dissidents who resist today are not simply punished as in days before, but are excommunicated from the perceived salvation of the higher power of 'acceptance' and 'success'. the only free act is the simple act of rebellion against that which controls – in this case a marketing campaign. something as harmless as soda-pop is now mind-poison. do i own AIG or does AIG own me?'

- Slave Nation, April 2009

'she was a beautiful person, her two children’s eyes flashed with her life spark. she was in pain, physically, existentially. she pulled away from the world. she brought me into hiding as her good luck charm and i failed her as a talisman. so i stand now as her witness. her death, in some way, defines my life.
we talked many times about suicide. she wanted to steal power from the gods, for once in her life be the master of fate. she was misanthropic, disillusioned, alienated. the world was a trip to an asylum, other people were the inmates, so she medicated herself against the world. we argued in circles about it, usually by the end of the night she would capitulate, and agree to live just a little bit longer. i told her not to be so selfish, that her kids needed her, that life is insane but it’s the only one you get. my arguments were hollow.'

- Slave Nation, June 2011

- Kamila Filipcikova by Julia Hetta, Rodeo Magazine FW'11


i strongly disbelieve in jetlag + lie detectors

'i'm currently inspired by complicated internal structures of micro cells from certain organisms, like fungi spores and pollen and coral. they have an otherwordly quality that combines geometric perfection with organic patterning. i want to create smooth, rounded rings and jewellery that, when looked at closely, have busy, complicated lives otherwise hidden by the finger.'
- Danni Day, Peppermint Magazine



'these were written to avoid staring for too long at a night-filled window that only reflected my own sorry-for-itself face. perhaps i should try writing with white wine too. a lighter tone may emerge. champagne would probably get me writing jokes for crackers. never mind, never mind.'
- Slowly Downward
Zombie Public Limited Company:
'for reasons too dull or humiliating to go into, i ended up blah blah blah. single again, embittered or whatever. i once had a passable future but it had evaded me, or blah blah blah, with the dusty streets and the bars without clocks and the blah fucking piss off blah blah.
one of the days, i was just sitting watching the tumbleweed and the little tornadoes of dust on the road outside. a removal lorry pulled up and big men began carrying large articles of furniture shrouded in blankets up the steps to the empty house opposite my block. the people or the blah blah blah, but it wasnt for about a week until i realised that they were watching me. i can't continue with this.
give it to me straight.
i am living quietly, zombie public limited company move in over the road, the workers look at us with hungry eyes, we lock the doors but to no avail, they get in, they eat our brains, we are reborn as zombies, slaves to the company, but it turns out not so bad, being a zombie is ok, but really we want to be free or something.
i like your pitch. it's an interesting metaphor. we'll put a package together. create a buzz. we could be talking telephone numbers.

'the gap between you and me. the gap between you and me. in art class, the teacher would say to look at the spaces between objects. that was how you could see what the objects really looked like. well. well, i was fairly certain of your shape. i'd looked at it quite a lot. it was the shape of billowing wheat or sad violin music or a quiet discussion in the coat-room at a party, or something. i wasn't so clear on my own. i had looked at it, in mirrors, or in confused reflections from shop windows, and to me it looked unremarkable. just the shape of some man or other. could've been anyone, really. when i tried to remember my shape it was the silhouette of a murderer, a torturer, a rapist, or some kind of fiend. there was no end to how bad my shape could be, when i tried to think about it. our shapes, together? the gap between them was bigger every day. i couldn't see what we really looked like. the only thing i could think of was the sad violin music and the rapist; very far away, never any nearer.'
'i was a bit stupid, not realising that zombies live amongst us. it wasn't obvious, and no-one had the f***ing decency to tell me. so i wasn't blind; i was just ignorant. i mean, i had suspicions, feelings..whatever. everyone has them.
the main thing about zombies, as I realised, is that they aren't very different from us. i've seen the films, and, well, they're not very accurate. zombies aren't different from us at all. they don't eat people; that's just ridiculous. unless they're desperate, i guess, and i've got to say: who wouldn't eat a human corpse if it really came to it? so that's the point. zombies are just like us. you can't tell who's a zombie. so it doesn't matter anyway. makes no difference.'

Sky Sports:
'one day i found out that my urine was acting like a powerful foaming agent. i thought that i could take advantage of my ability by hosting piss-scented foam parties in the pub toilets, but the landlord wasn't keen. he didn't think that people would be interested. in fact, he said that it was a disgusting idea. i said i'd rather go to a piss foam party than watch the f***ing football, but he said that i'm in a very small minority and the big screen stays.'



'in the café-shop i found this particularly charming couple discussing Eastern-European politics of the 1960's. the discussion never came to any conclusion.'
- Ink & Mess

'i've always loved observing how people live – what they surround themselves with; how they solve spatial problems; why that object hangs above the bed and what’s the story there, anyway? i chronicle my visits and indulge in the intimacy of dwellings, however extravagant, utilitarian, messy, IKEA, Tufenkian, big or small.'
- Liz Arnold, English Muse

'-because analogue feels better for me. more selected. more concentrated.
-my major inspiration was the environment.
- really morbid.
- also, to watch people slip into roles, how they fit into something that doesn't belong to them at all. or does it?'
- Julia Klug, Faebric



'you want the truth? Well Here It is.: eventually, you forget it all. first you forget everything you learned – the dates of wars and Pythagorean theorem. you especially forget everything you didn’t really learn, but just memorised the night before. you forget the names of all but one or two of your favourite teachers, and eventually you forget those, too. you forget your junior year class schedule and where you used to sit and your best friend’s home phone number and the lyrics to that song you must have played a million times. and eventually, but slowly, you forget your humiliations – even the ones that seemed indelible, just fade away. you forget who was cool and who was not, who was pretty, smart, athletic, and not. who went to a good college. who threw the best parties. who had the most friends. you forget all of them. even the ones you said you loved, and the ones you actually did. they’re the last to go. and then once you’ve forgotten enough, you love someone else.'






i recently received my first hair cut + colour since at least January. nothing too dramatic.. a little shorter + lighter, though sadly a lot of the colour seems to have drained since and it is now darker than in this photo.

+ i leave for Austria (via Dubai + Munich) on Tuesday after sitting a fashion theory exam in the afternoon, very exciting :}