'i'm currently inspired by complicated internal structures of micro cells from certain organisms, like fungi spores and pollen and coral. they have an otherwordly quality that combines geometric perfection with organic patterning. i want to create smooth, rounded rings and jewellery that, when looked at closely, have busy, complicated lives otherwise hidden by the finger.'
- Danni Day, Peppermint Magazine

'these were written to avoid staring for too long at a night-filled window that only reflected my own sorry-for-itself face. perhaps i should try writing with white wine too. a lighter tone may emerge. champagne would probably get me writing jokes for crackers. never mind, never mind.'
- Slowly Downward
Zombie Public Limited Company:
'for reasons too dull or humiliating to go into, i ended up blah blah blah. single again, embittered or whatever. i once had a passable future but it had evaded me, or blah blah blah, with the dusty streets and the bars without clocks and the blah fucking piss off blah blah.
one of the days, i was just sitting watching the tumbleweed and the little tornadoes of dust on the road outside. a removal lorry pulled up and big men began carrying large articles of furniture shrouded in blankets up the steps to the empty house opposite my block. the people or the blah blah blah, but it wasnt for about a week until i realised that they were watching me. i can't continue with this.
give it to me straight.
i am living quietly, zombie public limited company move in over the road, the workers look at us with hungry eyes, we lock the doors but to no avail, they get in, they eat our brains, we are reborn as zombies, slaves to the company, but it turns out not so bad, being a zombie is ok, but really we want to be free or something.
i like your pitch. it's an interesting metaphor. we'll put a package together. create a buzz. we could be talking telephone numbers.
'the gap between you and me. the gap between you and me. in art class, the teacher would say to look at the spaces between objects. that was how you could see what the objects really looked like. well. well, i was fairly certain of your shape. i'd looked at it quite a lot. it was the shape of billowing wheat or sad violin music or a quiet discussion in the coat-room at a party, or something. i wasn't so clear on my own. i had looked at it, in mirrors, or in confused reflections from shop windows, and to me it looked unremarkable. just the shape of some man or other. could've been anyone, really. when i tried to remember my shape it was the silhouette of a murderer, a torturer, a rapist, or some kind of fiend. there was no end to how bad my shape could be, when i tried to think about it. our shapes, together? the gap between them was bigger every day. i couldn't see what we really looked like. the only thing i could think of was the sad violin music and the rapist; very far away, never any nearer.'
'i was a bit stupid, not realising that zombies live amongst us. it wasn't obvious, and no-one had the f***ing decency to tell me. so i wasn't blind; i was just ignorant. i mean, i had suspicions, feelings..whatever. everyone has them.
the main thing about zombies, as I realised, is that they aren't very different from us. i've seen the films, and, well, they're not very accurate. zombies aren't different from us at all. they don't eat people; that's just ridiculous. unless they're desperate, i guess, and i've got to say: who wouldn't eat a human corpse if it really came to it? so that's the point. zombies are just like us. you can't tell who's a zombie. so it doesn't matter anyway. makes no difference.'
Sky Sports:
'one day i found out that my urine was acting like a powerful foaming agent. i thought that i could take advantage of my ability by hosting piss-scented foam parties in the pub toilets, but the landlord wasn't keen. he didn't think that people would be interested. in fact, he said that it was a disgusting idea. i said i'd rather go to a piss foam party than watch the f***ing football, but he said that i'm in a very small minority and the big screen stays.'

'in the café-shop i found this particularly charming couple discussing Eastern-European politics of the 1960's. the discussion never came to any conclusion.'
- Ink & Mess
'i've always loved observing how people live – what they surround themselves with; how they solve spatial problems; why that object hangs above the bed and what’s the story there, anyway? i chronicle my visits and indulge in the intimacy of dwellings, however extravagant, utilitarian, messy, IKEA, Tufenkian, big or small.'
- Liz Arnold, English Muse
'-because analogue feels better for me. more selected. more concentrated.
-my major inspiration was the environment.
- really morbid.
- also, to watch people slip into roles, how they fit into something that doesn't belong to them at all. or does it?'
- Julia Klug, Faebric

'you want the truth? Well Here It is.: eventually, you forget it all. first you forget everything you learned – the dates of wars and Pythagorean theorem. you especially forget everything you didn’t really learn, but just memorised the night before. you forget the names of all but one or two of your favourite teachers, and eventually you forget those, too. you forget your junior year class schedule and where you used to sit and your best friend’s home phone number and the lyrics to that song you must have played a million times. and eventually, but slowly, you forget your humiliations – even the ones that seemed indelible, just fade away. you forget who was cool and who was not, who was pretty, smart, athletic, and not. who went to a good college. who threw the best parties. who had the most friends. you forget all of them. even the ones you said you loved, and the ones you actually did. they’re the last to go. and then once you’ve forgotten enough, you love someone else.'

- Danni Day, Peppermint Magazine
'these were written to avoid staring for too long at a night-filled window that only reflected my own sorry-for-itself face. perhaps i should try writing with white wine too. a lighter tone may emerge. champagne would probably get me writing jokes for crackers. never mind, never mind.'
- Slowly Downward
Zombie Public Limited Company:
'for reasons too dull or humiliating to go into, i ended up blah blah blah. single again, embittered or whatever. i once had a passable future but it had evaded me, or blah blah blah, with the dusty streets and the bars without clocks and the blah fucking piss off blah blah.
one of the days, i was just sitting watching the tumbleweed and the little tornadoes of dust on the road outside. a removal lorry pulled up and big men began carrying large articles of furniture shrouded in blankets up the steps to the empty house opposite my block. the people or the blah blah blah, but it wasnt for about a week until i realised that they were watching me. i can't continue with this.
give it to me straight.
i am living quietly, zombie public limited company move in over the road, the workers look at us with hungry eyes, we lock the doors but to no avail, they get in, they eat our brains, we are reborn as zombies, slaves to the company, but it turns out not so bad, being a zombie is ok, but really we want to be free or something.
i like your pitch. it's an interesting metaphor. we'll put a package together. create a buzz. we could be talking telephone numbers.
'the gap between you and me. the gap between you and me. in art class, the teacher would say to look at the spaces between objects. that was how you could see what the objects really looked like. well. well, i was fairly certain of your shape. i'd looked at it quite a lot. it was the shape of billowing wheat or sad violin music or a quiet discussion in the coat-room at a party, or something. i wasn't so clear on my own. i had looked at it, in mirrors, or in confused reflections from shop windows, and to me it looked unremarkable. just the shape of some man or other. could've been anyone, really. when i tried to remember my shape it was the silhouette of a murderer, a torturer, a rapist, or some kind of fiend. there was no end to how bad my shape could be, when i tried to think about it. our shapes, together? the gap between them was bigger every day. i couldn't see what we really looked like. the only thing i could think of was the sad violin music and the rapist; very far away, never any nearer.'
'i was a bit stupid, not realising that zombies live amongst us. it wasn't obvious, and no-one had the f***ing decency to tell me. so i wasn't blind; i was just ignorant. i mean, i had suspicions, feelings..whatever. everyone has them.
the main thing about zombies, as I realised, is that they aren't very different from us. i've seen the films, and, well, they're not very accurate. zombies aren't different from us at all. they don't eat people; that's just ridiculous. unless they're desperate, i guess, and i've got to say: who wouldn't eat a human corpse if it really came to it? so that's the point. zombies are just like us. you can't tell who's a zombie. so it doesn't matter anyway. makes no difference.'
Sky Sports:
'one day i found out that my urine was acting like a powerful foaming agent. i thought that i could take advantage of my ability by hosting piss-scented foam parties in the pub toilets, but the landlord wasn't keen. he didn't think that people would be interested. in fact, he said that it was a disgusting idea. i said i'd rather go to a piss foam party than watch the f***ing football, but he said that i'm in a very small minority and the big screen stays.'
'in the café-shop i found this particularly charming couple discussing Eastern-European politics of the 1960's. the discussion never came to any conclusion.'
- Ink & Mess
'i've always loved observing how people live – what they surround themselves with; how they solve spatial problems; why that object hangs above the bed and what’s the story there, anyway? i chronicle my visits and indulge in the intimacy of dwellings, however extravagant, utilitarian, messy, IKEA, Tufenkian, big or small.'
- Liz Arnold, English Muse
'-because analogue feels better for me. more selected. more concentrated.
-my major inspiration was the environment.
- really morbid.
- also, to watch people slip into roles, how they fit into something that doesn't belong to them at all. or does it?'
- Julia Klug, Faebric
'you want the truth? Well Here It is.: eventually, you forget it all. first you forget everything you learned – the dates of wars and Pythagorean theorem. you especially forget everything you didn’t really learn, but just memorised the night before. you forget the names of all but one or two of your favourite teachers, and eventually you forget those, too. you forget your junior year class schedule and where you used to sit and your best friend’s home phone number and the lyrics to that song you must have played a million times. and eventually, but slowly, you forget your humiliations – even the ones that seemed indelible, just fade away. you forget who was cool and who was not, who was pretty, smart, athletic, and not. who went to a good college. who threw the best parties. who had the most friends. you forget all of them. even the ones you said you loved, and the ones you actually did. they’re the last to go. and then once you’ve forgotten enough, you love someone else.'
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