
just like last night, let's put it on repeat.

hmm so i posted this a few nights ago, got a response and took it down bc i'm soft.
i don't want to aim it anyone this time, or any time, so i'm just throwing the comment/observation out there. some sections have been a little altered/removed ('_____', haha..real subtle ? :s) to be a little nicer..?
maybe its still ~ absz same as before, i don't know.

"today a friend 'helpfully' - and i use that word sparingly - shoved me headfirst into a blog that ___________. i dunno, maybe its just a cruel coincidence..but i'm not too sure. i cant take this as a compliment, i just find it rude.
its blogger..why am i upset ? just today i was saying to a gf that ive got to stop getting worked up over social networking sites. if anything, its a little embarrassing ! but help my dignity, please..its not yet back in tact after tonight's findings.

why do people do this ? it happens so often in art class to friends of mine and sometimes even myself .. people so blatantly copy. why cant they take inspiration if they really feel the need..and add some of their self to the creation and wham bam its all their own; no visual plagiarism in the slightest. but nooope, that would require effort, right. and who needs/uses that nowadays ? lets all become mentally obese as we prey upon those who try and spin their own thoughts into a yarn of creativity and individual thought. lets all jump on the intellectually yawn-worthy bandwagon and flamboyantly display our identically duplicated wares to all with no shame or lack of self-satisfaction. shit shat shet shot shut right down.

trust me to use big words when i'm emotional. or drunk, for that matter. not that i am now..but it needed to be said by someone at some point..i mean, you know it. i know it. we all know it. you were totally thinking it. aye. aayeee."


  1. i'm glad you posted this again, ps i made a complete dick of myself with the spelling of 'wee' hahahh! nikki, you lose.

  2. im curious to know whats going on haha?


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