
cliche disregarded

relevant..thanks alicia:

giving up what seems your lifetime, what went wrong with something once so good ?
how do you find the words to say..to say goodbye, when your heart don't have the heart to say goodbye ?
i know now i was naive..never knew where this would lead.

was it something wrong that we did ? ..because others infiltrated.

is this the end ? are you sure ?
how should you know when you've never been here before ?
it's so hard to just let go.

irrelevant..but oh so thoroughly appreciated, thanks Elbow:
How dare the Premier ignore my invitations ? he'll have to go.
so, too, the bunch he luncheons with; it's second on my list of things to do.
at the top is stopping by your place of work and acting like i haven't dreamed of you and i and marriage in an orange grove.
you are the only thing in any room you're ever in.
i'm stubborn, selfish and too old.

i sat you down and told you how the truest love that's ever found
was for oneself. you pulled apart my theory with a weary and disinterested sigh.
so yes i guess i'm asking you to back a horse that's good for glue and nothing else. but find a man that's truer than, find a man that needs you more than i.

sit with me a while and let me listen to you talk about your dreams and your obsessions. i'll be quiet and confessional.
the violets explode inside me when i meet your eyes,
then i'm spinning and im diving lke a cloud of starlings.

darling, is this love ?

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