quite frankly, faith scares the crap out of me.
i'd love nothing more than being able to follow a religious ideal..it seems like the greatest thing that you can do, even if the belief is only slight.
those that live their lives with a faith hold such respect for others and a compassion to all around them, they seem to only want to give give give.
so in the end, if the god does not even exist, these people have led their lives to the best of their efforts, i respect that so much. i just wish that i could do the same..and i've tried, though lately i'm just not sure if it's enough.
reading about things like the apparitions of Mary near Medjugorje and at Garabandal has at times reduced me to tears. i'm so terrified in the back of mind that if i don't believe, that these horrible things that are spoken of might actually happen.. [if anything, click the link and read the paragraph above the B&W photograph.]
that's the one thing i hate the most about god, whether he does exist or not, is that there is this forcefulness placed on faith.. surely if it is a lifestyle built on such compassion and goodness that there should not be the need to ish threaten those that do not follow the religion ?
i have this booklet on the Garbandal sightings in front of me, and it has photos and everything, i cant not believe it..
it's about the first time that mary visited 4 children aged 11-12 in spain in 1961, in a little village.
..on july 2nd, many priests and visitors joined the children in witnessing the pre-meditated event.
the bit that makes me shake in my boots is this; the 4 girls' visions were always preceeded by them running to a sunken lane where the visions first began. once there they would crash to thekr knees on jagged rocks, entering into a rapture; heads thrown back, pupils dilated and faces absolutely concentrated on this great presence. at these times they were completely insensitive and oblivious to pin pricks, burns, physical contact or bright lights shone directly into their eyes. their weight factor changed so much that 2 grown men struggled in lifting one 12-yo girl, yet the girls could themselves lift each other with great ease.
as their heads were thrown back, they could not see where they were going, yet would march arm in arm, having no difficulty in travelling either forward or backward, over dangerous and rough terrain..often they would travel so quickly that those around could not keep up. during these visions, the girls could defy the acts of physics; travelling like a speeding car, then stopping just as suddenly to a halt, as their observers would fly past. afterward, they would be neither sweating, out of breath, or with a pulse rate out of the regular range.
sometime they would fall backward, stiff as a board, without bending any body part or using hands to cushion the fall..from this position they would rise again without pushing themselves up in any way; clothing never becoming ruffled or dirty.

i dunno, am i just being ridiculously ridiculous ?
i'd love nothing more than being able to follow a religious ideal..it seems like the greatest thing that you can do, even if the belief is only slight.
those that live their lives with a faith hold such respect for others and a compassion to all around them, they seem to only want to give give give.
so in the end, if the god does not even exist, these people have led their lives to the best of their efforts, i respect that so much. i just wish that i could do the same..and i've tried, though lately i'm just not sure if it's enough.
reading about things like the apparitions of Mary near Medjugorje and at Garabandal has at times reduced me to tears. i'm so terrified in the back of mind that if i don't believe, that these horrible things that are spoken of might actually happen.. [if anything, click the link and read the paragraph above the B&W photograph.]
that's the one thing i hate the most about god, whether he does exist or not, is that there is this forcefulness placed on faith.. surely if it is a lifestyle built on such compassion and goodness that there should not be the need to ish threaten those that do not follow the religion ?
i have this booklet on the Garbandal sightings in front of me, and it has photos and everything, i cant not believe it..
it's about the first time that mary visited 4 children aged 11-12 in spain in 1961, in a little village.
..on july 2nd, many priests and visitors joined the children in witnessing the pre-meditated event.
the bit that makes me shake in my boots is this; the 4 girls' visions were always preceeded by them running to a sunken lane where the visions first began. once there they would crash to thekr knees on jagged rocks, entering into a rapture; heads thrown back, pupils dilated and faces absolutely concentrated on this great presence. at these times they were completely insensitive and oblivious to pin pricks, burns, physical contact or bright lights shone directly into their eyes. their weight factor changed so much that 2 grown men struggled in lifting one 12-yo girl, yet the girls could themselves lift each other with great ease.
as their heads were thrown back, they could not see where they were going, yet would march arm in arm, having no difficulty in travelling either forward or backward, over dangerous and rough terrain..often they would travel so quickly that those around could not keep up. during these visions, the girls could defy the acts of physics; travelling like a speeding car, then stopping just as suddenly to a halt, as their observers would fly past. afterward, they would be neither sweating, out of breath, or with a pulse rate out of the regular range.
sometime they would fall backward, stiff as a board, without bending any body part or using hands to cushion the fall..from this position they would rise again without pushing themselves up in any way; clothing never becoming ruffled or dirty.
i dunno, am i just being ridiculously ridiculous ?
i honestly dont knwo what any of this is
ReplyDeletewhat are the Garbandal sightings??
sounds scary
i am a seventh day adventist and i very much believe in God but i dont know about these scary things
im not sure about all that stuff, its gnarly.
ReplyDeletebut god is love.
and i believe in him very much so. :)